For Typo class this week, Cindy told me that I have a messy mind that enjoys to be in crowds, by the way she looks at my magazine spread designs. (I'm also not sure if I should feel scarred or wary about myself because I'm pretty much the most introverted person who hates crowds) Confused again because - On one hand, I do love organizing, but on the other, I just can't seem to achieve minimalist designs. I may no be fantastic at it, but I.DO.VERY.MUCH. LOVE. DESIGNING. INFO GRAPHICS. It's not everyday that you hear somebody professing their love for organizing data into pictorial forms, so I find it rather strange. //Identity Crisis//
Back to the topic:
I really enjoyed this assignment because it's a breath of fresh air as compared to the publication designs we've done in the past. It's more graphic based, as compared to letters, fonts, kerning and *head explodes*. I enjoy creating vectors on illustrator and compartmentalizing them into columns.
Challenges for me on this assignment:
1- Colour choices
(The readings that were given said that we shouldn't use more than 3 colours for infographics. So I was a bit iffy on my colour scheme. I decided to just use them all anyway, because they looked coherent and not jarring. I needed a form of continuity because they are, afterall, my colour scheme for the product I'm working on for the final assignment.)
2- Printing
I got my printing done really late, and I was freaking out over not being able to finish the two posters, even till the night before. Thankfully, I had the two-sense to buy my fancypaper the day before and still had printing credits in school. And, because it was the first time, ever, that I was printing in school, I didn't know you had to down the saturation of your blacks or not the printer would totally smudge. (Sorry if there are some ink smudges on the paper). The colours turned out a bit dull too, so I was a bit disappointed in that. I'm now contemplating on investing in an A3 printer and I'm not sure if that's advisable, so I'm still researching.
3- Layout
It was quite difficult to layout because I had so much info I wanted to shove in (as you can see from my already-very-cluttered-infographic). Everything is very compact because I had so much research I wanted to put (there's more actually) but this was already the sieved-through version. I got my references from Behance, which were very useful.
4- Precedence studies
It was genuinely tough to find studies in this aspect because not a lot of people have done campaigns based on superstition. I guess that it's really a dying tradition. The only ones I could find that were really smart was by Bold Design. They designed a sugar cubes in the form of pennies so that as you throw them into your coffee, you could make a wish.
Reference images:
This assignment made me realise that while one lays out all the information he/she has, it's easier to see the bigger picture from beginning to end. It has given me a clearer vision of my end product because, whether I know it or not, I've made some hard decisions (i.e moodboard, colour scheme, fonts, design elements) by designing this.
You organised your information really well Amanda, so yes, great to hear that it's also helping you form a clearer picture of things :)